We’re delighted to launch a brand-new service that’s sure to make your Mighty Green journey easy CBDeesy! 💚
Maybe you’re about to take your first step and you need some guidance on how CBD could help you? Perhaps you’ve never tried CBD before and you’re curious as to how it works?
Are you a little confused about which strength to opt for, or which dosage to take? Perhaps you’d benefit from a ‘CBD check-in’ to see if it’s time to adjust your dose?
Whatever your query, we’re here to help!
Book a free, one-to-one consultation with our resident nutritional therapists & CBD experts via our new appointment scheduling service and find out how our CBD products could best support you.
Here are some of our the most frequently commonly asked questions:
- Is CBD safe to take with medication? (Always check with your GP first!)
- I’m confused! Which dose / how many drops should I take?
- I have a specific health concern…Would CBD be helpful?
- Should I choose CBD balm or CBD drops? Or another product?
- Which CBD balm should I go for?
The answers to these questions are unique to everyone, so it’s always sensible to seek tailored advice.
Just select a date and time that suits you and we’ll see you there!